New Regulation on Transit Vessels Passing Through Bosphorus

On July 28th, 2017, “The Regulation on the Amendment of the Turkish Straits Marine Traffic Regulation” has been published on Official Gazette numbered 30137.

In accordance with the new Regulation, “Transit vessels passing through to the Turkish Straits are allowedto stay up to 168 hours at the anchorage areas as per Article 23 under the supervision of the relevant authorities,to satisfy their mandatory requirements, provided that permission of the Traffic Control Center has been obtained. Administration is entitled to shorten this period if itis deemed necessary.

During this period, the activities related to death, illness, change of crew, permissions or agency contact, fuel, supply of provisions, defect repairs and similar necessities can be carried out on the vessels.

Transit vessels, who want to stay at the anchorage area more thanthe allowed period of the first sub-article, have to anchor in the designated anchorage areas as per relevant regulation and obtain free pratique. Inspections and procedures required by health, safety, customs and other legislation shall be applicable to the vessels who, by anchoring, loose their transit condition.”

In line with the new amendment on the regulation, the anchoring permission which is granted to transit vessels passing through the Turkish Straits (Bosphorus and Dardenelles), has been increased to 7 days (168 hours), which was previously limited to 2 days (48 hours).

Considering that losing the transit title means additional obligations and fees (such as obtaining a free pratique and additional port and lighthouse fees) for the vessels, preservation of the transit condition can be essential. With the new regulations, transiting vessels see their transit condition considerably extended granting them additional time to complete and fulfill their needs and operations during their Bosphorus and Dardenelles passages without incurring additional costs.

Dila GÜR
